Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Simon Say's "Thanks for Coming"

Tonight's Classic Poker Tourney brought in a lot of new faces and a total of 28 players playing for a prize pool of just under $2500!  Definitely a good tourney to be a part of as there were Classic Points awarded for busting out other players which could definitely help with the leaderboard standings!!

There was 5 prizes tonight. Pete H, Brendan N, Michael G, Will S and Simon G were the final 5 in for the money.

First to shove was Will with QQ.  Brendan could do nothing but call with TT.  Flop 8-4-2.  Looking good for Will so far.  2 comes on the turn.  Still anyone's game but Will still ahead.  Only a T can save Brendan now.  What a coincidence, T on the river to give Brendan the boat and a cheeky little double up courtesy of Will - maaaaate!

A few hands later will see one of the players exit the tourney in 5th.  Pete vs Simon holding A5 and AQ respectively. The cards to be revealed on the table are 6-7-2-T-2.  This will see Pete finish up in 5th possy.

Brendan with a nice stack pushes the lot into the pot with a reluctant call by Will.  Brendan's 3's to Will's 8's.  It may have been a good call by Will and the flop reveals 4-K-T, turning an A and the river an 8!  Will doubles up very nicely.

The demise of Brendan was only a matter of time.  This time for fourth place and once again up against Will.  Will had 5s and Brendan A8.  2-Q-Q-6-9, a miss for both and the 5's holding up.

Three players left and it was Michael's turn to fall to a heavy stacked Will.  His 89 wasn't enough for Will's KQ, especially when the community cards were T-4-T-4-6.  Michael did have a great run of bust outs and earned himself some extra points.

Only Will and Simon left, and with a deal for the prize money secured they carried on for points and placings.  Will decides to go all in with 78 and Simon answers "why not" with Q7...

Well done Simon, taking away 1st place and giving us a new face for the blog!

It was our first Classic round with knockouts points in play and the top scorers for this round were Will, who earned a whopping 485 points including 6 knockouts, followed closely by Simon and Michael G both with 5 knockouts earning 440 and 430 points respectively.