We had 21 people playing in our Wednesday Tournament. With three tables, we had a tastey prize pool of over $1800.
We were reasonably quick to get to the final table, but only four lucky people made it to the money. They were Brendan N, Ben R, Chris K, Carl W.
The first to strike was Carl. Chris was all-in with K-7(h), Carl calls with 8-3o. Board showed 9-4-8-3-A and Carl's two-pair was enough to send Chris packing.
Carl then tried to continue his streak, all-in with A-8. Ben calls with A-K. But a board of A-2-9-K-Q see him go home with 3rd place.
Final hand had Brendan all-in with J-10. Ben call with a pair of ducks. The flop comes out 7-9-8. Flopping the straight looks good for Brendan, but with 8 turn and 2 river, Ben seals his spot in first with his runner runner boat.
The fun continues on Thursday with our $10 Thursday Turbo Tournament. Free entry, $10 addons and rebuys. We'll see you there!