Thursday, January 7, 2016

Milton Pops In

 Tonight we had 19 players show up for the $10 Turbo. Top 5 tonight were Chris, Kenny, Campbell, Milton and Bill.

 First big pot of the final table sees Kenny get AT, Chris has A4. We see a flop 3,A,7, turn is
a 6 and the river comes a 4 with Chris taking a huge chunk of Kenny's stack .

 Twenty minutes later and Kenny hasn't been able to recover, with $2K left he is all in up against Chris with pocket 8's and Bill's AQ. Board is K,K,J,T,Q and Bill's two pair is enough to knock Kenny out.

 Four places being paid tonight and the remaining players can relax knowing they are taking home some of the prize pool. First to make a move is Campbell who currently has the smallest stack, he ships it in with KQ and Bill on the big blind calls the remainder with JT. Flop T,9,8  Bill is ahead, turn is an A, river is an 8 and Bill knocks out another player.

 Milton and Chris are next to go up against each other, Milton bets on the button with AQ and Chris calls putting him all in with Q9. 4,7,5,2,3 Milton hits his straight and that's Chris taking home third place.

 Heads up with Bill and Milton, they cut a deal and decide to play for the remaining change. Milton's all in quickly after the deal has been made with K8, Bill calls with J4. A,J,K,A,Q Milton's two pair is good and with the slightly larger stack he knocks Bill out and is the winner for tonight.

 Congratulations Milton coming to Dunedin and taking out all the locals.