Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Dan Wins Again!

Tonight we had  a good turn out with 31 players showing up to play for the $2500 prize pool.

Final five was Dan H, Alex, Corey, Dan G and Todd who all went home with warm feet after winning some bonus socks.

Taking fifth prize was Todd. He had pocket 7's up against Alex with AQ. Alex hit his King on the flop and it held.

Corey was next to shove with 58 off suit. Dan G called with AQ, the board was KJ653 knocking Corey out.

Down to the final three, Dan H raised to 25000 with AT, Alex went all with 114000 holding K8, Dan G called 41000 with KQ which Dan H called. The board was J4Q75 sending Alex packing.

Heads up Dan v Dan, Dan G shoves with Q6 called by Dan H with A5. No one hit and a pair of nines with an ace  kicker was enough for Dan H to take out another tournament.